SAP SD Certification study material
Once a business has decided to use the SAP FI(Financial Accounting) Module, there are several Configurations prerequisite steps that must be completed.Determining the organizational structure is one of the first steps in setting up the business functions in SAP as well as your reporting requirements.
The Organizational structure is created by defining the organizational units consisting of the following:
Company Code
Business Area
Client is the highest unit within an SAP system and contains Master records and Tables. Data entered at this level are valid for all company code data and organizational structures allowing for data consistency. User access and authorizations are assigned to each client created. Users must specify which client they are working in at the point of logon to the SAP system.
Company is the unit to which your financial statements are created and can have one to many company codes assigned to it. A company is equivalent to your legal business organization. Consolidated financial statements are based on the company’s financial statements. Companies are defined in configuration and assigned to company codes. Each company code must use the same COA( Chart of Accounts) and Fiscal Year. Also note that local currency for the company can be different.
Company Codes are the smallest unit within your organizational structure and is used for internal and external reporting purposes. Company Codes are not optional within SAP and are required to be defined. Financial transactions are viewed at the company code level. Company Codes can be created for any business organization whether national or international. It is recommended that once a Company Code has been defined in Configuration with all the required settings then other company codes later created should be copied from the existing company code. You can then make changes as needed. This reduces repetitive input of information that does not change from company code to company code as well as eliminate the possibility of missed data input.
When defining company codes, the following key areas must be updated:
Company Code Key- identifies the company code and consists of four alpha-numeric characters. Master data and business transactions are created by this key.
Company Code Name- identifies the name of the business organization within your organizational structure.
Address- identifies the street address, city, state, zip code for the company code created. This information is also used on correspondence and reports.
Country- identifies the country to which your business is based. Country codes within SAP are based on ISO Standards.
Country currency- identifies the local currency for the company code that you have defined.
Language- identifies the language to be used for you company code and is also used for text in your documents. SAP unlike other applications, offers over thirty languages including EN( English) , ES (Spanish), FR (French), DE (German), EL (Greek), IT(Italian), AR( Arabic), ZH (Chinese) , SV (Swedish) , and JA (Japanese) to name a few.
Business Area is optional and is equivalent to a specific area of responsibility within your company or business segment. BA (Business Area) also allows for internal and external reporting.
Another configuration requirement for set-up in SAP are the Basic settings consisting of the following:
Chart of Accounts(COA)
Fiscal Year Variants.
The COA(Chart of Accounts) lists all General Ledger accounts that are used by the organization. It is assigned in configuration to each company code and allows for daily General Ledger postings.
The General Ledger accounts are made up of such data as account number, company code, a description of the account , classification of whether the account is a P & L Statement Account or a Balance Sheet Account.
Control data of the GL Account is where currency is specified, Tax category (posting without tax allowed) , marking the account as a reconciliation account ( e.g. Customer, Asset, Vendors, Accounts Receivable) or not.
Marking the G/L Account as a “reconciliation” account allows for postings to an Asset Account ( for example) as well as automatic update to the G/L Account.
Configuration prevents direct postings to reconciliation accounts thereby assisting in maintaining integrity of the data.
This allows reconciliation between the sub-ledger and general ledger to always be guaranteed.
Within the General Ledger control data , you can also designate whether line item display is possible in the account. The system then stores an entry per line in an index table which links back to the account. (Display of line item details are then available for reporting purposes ,etc.)
Open Item Indicators can be set on the G/L Account allowing for better management of open items. Examples include: Bank Clearing Accounts, GR/IR Clearing Accounts, Payroll, etc.
Fiscal Year configuration is a must and can be defined to meet your company’s reporting periods whether Fiscal (any period combination that is not calendar) or Calendar( Jan-Dec).
Posting Periods are defined and assigned to the Fiscal Year.Within the periods you specify start dates and finished dates.
SAP allows for 12 posting periods along with specially defined periods that can be used for year-end financial closing.
Currencies are another basic configuration setting requirement which defines your company’s legal means of payment by country.
It is recommended that all Currency set-ups in SAP follow the ISO Standards.
The ISO Standards ensure Global conformity across businesses worldwide utilizing SAP.
Contents taken from SAP In Fico.
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This made easy guide provides you an overview of Reporting refer the course contents to check if you really need this, because this is a little bit old version but still this is very useful made easy guide for abap begineers.
Course Contents
Part 1: Tactical Approach and R/3 Reporting Concepts
Chapter 1: Meeting the Reporting Challenge
Chapter 2: A Tactical Approach to R/3 Reporting
Chapter 3: Finding Reports in R/3
Chapter 4: Using R/3 Reports: The Basics
Chapter 5: Using R/3 Reports: Advanced Topics
Chapter 6: Choosing the Right Report Development Tool
Part 2: An Overview of R/3 Report Development Tools
Chapter 7: ABAP Query
Chapter 8: Report Painter/Report Writer
Chapter 9: Drilldown Reporting
Chapter 10: LIS Standard Analyses
Chapter 11: LIS Flexible Analyses
Part 3: Other Reporting Topics
Appendix A: Other Report Libraries
Appendix B: Organizing Your Own Report Tree
Appendix C: Using the Report Specification Form
Appendix D: Glossary
Appendix E: Index
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Copyright SAP DB
Course Goals
Develop advanced Web-GUIs based on SAP Web Dynpro technology
Target Audience
Development Consultants responsible for developing in Java applications
Course Content
* Overview
* Advanced Concepts
- Views
- Controllers
- Models
- Context
- UI Elements
* - Dynamic Programming Adobe Interactive Forms
* Intro to Business Graphics
* Structuring your Web Dynpro Application
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password : rendell
SAP ABAP HR Programming
Prerequisites : ABAP Programming, Logical database, Module pool programming & SAP Scripts.
Course Outline:
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SAP NetWeaver Application Server: ABAP including Web Dynpro
Once the contents are extracted, initiate installation by clicking on start.bat to start the installation overview page. The download package contains a detailed installation guide and information about the evaluation developer license.
For trouble shooting click here
To use SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe, you must install the necessary credential file and activate it using a unique password. Download the latest credential and password from SDN.
here is the alternative direct link… not sure how long it will last.
The first and second file are required to install the complete trial software package. Place the files to the same folder and extract “SAPNW7.0ABAPTrialSP12.part1.rar” only.
SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ABAP Trial Version System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2) or Windows Server 2003.
Hostname must not exceed 13 characters.
NTFS-File systems.
Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher or Firefox 1.0 or higher.
At least 1 GB RAM.
Intel Pentium III/1.1 GHz or higher (or compatible).
22 GB hard disk space temporary during installation - 10 GB permanent.
High-resolution monitor (1024×768 or higher, 256 colors).
Make sure that no other SAP system is installed on your computer.
The SAP system requires serveral ports for communication services. Therefore the file %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\services must not include an entry for the ports 3200, 3600 and 8000. A possible entry can be excluded by using the hash symbol (#).
If no DHCP server is available on your network (which dynamically determines the IP address) or your computer is not connected to any network, you need to install the virtual interface adapter MS Loopback Adapter. The procedure to install a loopback adapter is documented within the download package.
Thanks to Nagaraju for mailing the complete Installation Document.
Here is a Complete Guide of all the training manuals for SAP ABAP freshers. This is a organized set of all the documents which you need to learn from start to finish. The ABAP Tutorials are categorised sequentially from start to finish.
Download the Complete Tutorial from Rapidshare or Mediafire.
SAP ABAP Tutorial Contents
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The R/3 System offers powerful and flexible reporting capabilities: You can choose from a library of over 3,000 standard business reports or build custom reports using a suite of report development tools.
With screenshots and step-by-step instructions, this guidebook introduces you to some of the most commonly requested business reports.
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This book describes and demonstrates how SAP R APO can be used to tackle “real” optimization problems arising in industry and focuses on optimization based on mixed integer linear programming (MILP). In a unique combination it deals with the aspects of model-building and solving algorithms as well as with the implementation in commercial supply chain management software, SAP APO being a typical example of an advanced planning system (APS).
Download from Rapidshare or Mediafire. has posted this book recently. Good that I must be among the first to get hold of this. This is a scanned copy. Honestly, This is nowhere close to the actual book. If you like this book. Go and buy it. It’s really worth the money and you do get a DVD which contains lots and lots of data.
This completely revised third edition introduces you to ABAP programming with SAP NetWeaver. All concepts of modern ABAP (up to release 7.0) are covered in detail.
New topics include ABAP and Unicode, Shared Objects, exception handling, Web Dynpro for ABAP, Object Services, and of course ABAP and XML. Bonus: All readers will also receive a complimentary copy of the newest , dynamic programming, and more Up-tp-date for SAP NetWeaver 2004s (ABAP release 7.0) Includes DVD for SAP NetWeaver 2004s ABAP resource New chapters on Web Dynpro, Shared Objects, ABAP & XML.
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